Earth under the lid – Understanding the greenhouse effect
In this set of two activities, pupils will learn about our atmosphere and the greenhouse gases that it consists what allow the Earth to be a habitable planet. Without them, life as we know it would not exist. Unfortunately, however, the increase in human-produced
greenhouse gases is altering the “normal” quantity of these gases in our atmosphere, causing global warming. Pupils will build a model to understand what the greenhouse effect is and analyse a video to discuss the consequences of an increasing amount of greenhouse gases
Subject Geography, Science
• Get to know the positive and negative consequences of the greenhouse effect
• Learn that without the greenhouse effect there would not be life as we know it on Earth
• Understand that the human-induced increase in the greenhouse effect is causing global warming
• To perform temperature measurements
In this activity, students will do an experiment that demonstrates the basics of the greenhouse effect. They will understand how the greenhouse effect works and what effect it has on the temperatures on Earth. They will answer the question “Why do we need the greenhouse effect on Earth?” Students should conclude that it makes life on Earth possible.
• 2 transparent jars
• Soil
• Water
• A teaspoon
• 2 thermometers
• Clingfilm
• Rubber bands
• Sticky tape
• If not sunny: lamp that radiates heat
In this activity, students see the Paxi video by ESA Education about the greenhouse effect. They will sort images taken from the video according to their appearance in the video. The video serves as an introduction to discuss how human activities are increasing the amount of greenhouse gases on Earth’s atmosphere and its consequences.
• Laptop/other device to play video
• Projector
• Worksheet
• Scissors
• Glue
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