Congratulations to everyone joining the 2023/2024 Edition of Climate Detectives!
You made all a difference and helped to raise awareness to protect and learn about environment and climate. Thank you so much for your participation, your great ideas, your investigations, and the conclusions you shared with us. All projects will be published soon in the Project Gallery. Teams had the chance to get selected for the final Learning and Celebration Event 2024 taking place in ESA's Center ESRIN, Italy. We are excited to announce the teams, selected by the national organiser participating in the event. Learn more about the winners by clicking on the button below.
Up to 18 years old
From individuals to the whole class
Sign up with a teacher or mentor
Participate in this year's Climate Detectives webinar with an ESA expert
Join Climate Detectives
Did you know you can make a difference in understanding and protecting planet Earth? Join Climate Detectives, a project run by ESA and ESERO! Your investigation can focus on climate change but also on everything about our planet Earth and its care: the environment, sustainable ways of living, biodiversity, air quality, forests, oceans and much more. Be curious and become a Climate Detective! Together, student detectives are working to protect our planet!
Teams can choose between two levels of engagement.
By participating in the new beginner’s category, Climate Detectives Kids, teams can complete fun hands-on activities, and earn badges to become a certified detective of climate and the Earth!
For a bigger challenge, teams can complete a full investigation of their choice: identify the problem they want to analyse, collect data, and share their results with the Climate Detectives community. Selected teams will be invited for an exciting learning and celebration event at the end of this school year!
Climate Detectives Kids
Complete Earth related activities, collect evidences and earn Detectives badges!
- Beginners
- Suggested up to 12 years old
- Complete activities and earn badges
- Receive your certificate
- Submitted activities will be published in a gallery
- Language of choice
- open from 9 September 2024 to 4 April 2025 (23:59 CEST)
Climate Detectives
Work as a scientist! Plan your investigation, collect your data, and present your findings.
- Intermediate
- Up to 18 years old
- Receive a certificate
- Language of choice
- Join the Climate Detectives Webinar 2024
- Get selected by your ESERO for the Climate Detectives Summit
- open from 9 September 2024 to 4 April 2025 (check out your national timeline)
ESA Education presents this year’s Climate Detectives Event, where students up to 19 years old explore how satellites track changes in Earth’s climate and environment from space.
Date: 12-13th of May
Location: ESRIN, Earth Observation Centre of ESA, Frascati, Italy.
Participate in the Climate Detectives Project 2024/2025 and have the chance to be selected for the Learning and Celebration Event 2025. Connect with fellow students from across Europe who are making a difference in their local community as part of the Climate Detectives Project.
The event is fully covered by ESA. Please note that participants of Climate Detectives Kids are not eligible to participate to the event. Learn more about the event by clicking on the button below:
- Subtitles are available (automatically generated by YouTube) – select your language using the YouTube player controls.