

Are you a team from Estonia and want to participate in Climate Detectives?

Deadlines and milestones 

Climate Detectives Kids is open from 22 September 2023 until 10 April 2024.

See below the Climate Detectives phases for Estonia
Opens 09/09/2024
Phase 1

Register your team and share your investigation plan details

Intermediate phase
Phase 2

Investigate your problem, collect and analyse data, and draw your conclusions.

ESA Expert Webinar

10/12/2024 at 10:00-11:00

more information will be announced soon!

Closes for submissions 04/04/2025
Phase 3

Submit and share your project and conclusions at

12/05/2025 – 13/05/2025
Climate Detectives Summit

Teams selected by the National Organisers will be invited, in person, to the Climate Detectives Summit in ESRIN, Italy in May 2025, to celebrate their team's success and partake in fascinating activities.

Registered teams

Map of Country Teams

More information about your National Organiser

Tere tulemast haridusprojekti “ESERO” !
ESERO on Euroopa Kosmoseagentuuri (ESA) ja kohalike partnerite ühine üldharidust toetav projekt, mille eesmärk on suurendada huvi loodus- ja täppisteaduste vastu kosmosevaldkonna populariseerimise teel.
Siit lehelt leiad nii vajalikud õppematerjalid Kliimadetektiivide üleskutses osalemiseks.

More information from your National Organiser

Resources in your language:

Astro farmer

Brief description:In this set of six activities, students will investigate which factors affect plant growth, and relate these factors to...

Paxi explores wind

Brief description: Learn about wind, what causes it and how and why we study it in the latest Paxi adventure...

Paxi explores ice

Brief description:Join Paxi on an adventure to the North and South poles, to learn more about ice and its role...