Climate Detectives Projects 2018-2019

Project topic: Climate change

Project title: Pondal, Climate Detectives

Team: MeteoPondal

2018-2019   Colexio Eduardo Pondal   CANGAS   Spain   10 Student’s age: 12-13

Summary of the project

The objective of our study was to try to answer the following question: Is the climate in our region changing? To deviate from subjective views of whether the responsible is climate change, we decided to approach the study from a global perspective, trying to identify from a cooperative working methodology the variables that could answer our question. First of all, we define the concept of climate change and understand the difference between the natural and the provoked by human activity. After dividing into small working groups we started analyzing the data we collected in the specialized web pages of Aemet, Meteogalicia, MeteoCangas (historical records of temperatures, rainfall, sea water temperature, increase level Of the sea, CO2 levels), the review of scientific reports from universities and local and national press news. To this we add the data obtained in our meteorological station and the observations made on the vegetation, flora and the changes in the marine and terrestrial biotopes of our environment. It is necessary to highlight the consequences of climate change and its economic implications for our region “O Morrazo” in the fisheries, aquaculture, natural and tourism sectors.

Main results

After analyzing the previous evidence, we concluded that the climate of our region if it is changing due to climate change. Once the initial question was answered, we decided to specify the main consequences that we can see and the forecasts for the near future. The consequences we are pointing out are those that we consider most important and of high probability within all possible. Are as follows: • Alteration of the Meteorological Pattern: The polar jet that separates the masses of cold and warm air, presents alterations in which it lowers to southern latitudes causing waves of cold and heat when it is withdrawn towards the north. • Temperature Forecasts: The models indicate for the year 2100 an increase of 2 to 4ºC (depending on the most favourable or unfavourable forecast) in maximum and minimum temperatures, and an increase in warm nights. • Coastal dynamics: Acceleration of erosion processes due to the rise in sea level due to the melting of ice (between 0. 5 and 1. 4 metres in the period 2075-2099) and increase in seawater temperature (between 1 and 3ºC in the horizon 2075-2099). • Alteration Biotopes: Terrestrial  Increased water stress  Increase in forest fires, which are more intense and faster during rainfall-free periods and the winter season. Loss of soil organic matter, increased runoff and erosion.  Advancement of the order of 15-20 days on average in the flowering of the plants. Marine  Decrease and change of zooplacton species.  Increased catches of subtropical warm water species, e. g. Bermuda carp (Kyphosus sectatrix), Lemon fish (Seriola rivoliana) or Trumpet fish (Fistularia petimba).  Descent of autochthonous species of fishing and seafood interest, with displacement to colder waters. Examples:  Molluscs: Mussels, cockles and clams.  Fish: Sardine and anchovy.

Actions to help lessen the problem

Within the measures to reduce the consequences of climate change we decided to promote among our colleagues, teachers and parents the need to implement the following to help minimize the consequences described. • Promote the use of renewable energies: solar, wind and tidal. • Reduce CO2 emissions, favoring the use of school/urban transport instead of the private car. • Planting native trees, keeping the mountains clean to prevent fire and soil loss. • Better use the water with the maintenance of the channels respecting the riparian species. • Change our habits, reducing, reusing and recycling; reducing the use of plastics.

Project video

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