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Klimadetektivene (etterforskningskategori)


Portugal 17 år gammel, 18 år gammel   3, 1 / 3

Prosjektets tittel:

"OS BASTIDORES DO VINHO" (bak kulissene i vinens verden)


Hvordan påvirker klimaendringene vinplantenes vegetative syklus og produktivitet?

Identifiser det lokale miljø/klimaproblemet du ønsker å undersøke.

In Alto Alentejo there is a high production of wine, which enriches the region economically. However, climate change causes irregular rainfall and drier conditions in the Iberian Peninsula, which causes significant impacts on ecosystems and agriculture, particularly wine production. This can affect the overall quality of the grapes, reducing their sugar content and affecting the balance of acids and phenolic compounds, impacting the flavor, aroma and winemaking capacity of the grapes.

In this way, winemakers try to stimulate adaptation to these climate changes, which affect the grapes and consequently the wine.

Therefore, to improve its production we must be active in relation to this problem, as it could generate others such as soil disintegration and the failure to preserve the biodiversity associated with the vineyard.

Tema for prosjektet


Beskriv hvordan du planlegger å undersøke problemstillingen og hvilke data du planlegger å analysere.

We will use and analyze satellite images of vineyards in Alto Alentejo in order to infer a relationship between the Vegetation Index and wine quality.

We will also establish contact with a winemaker in order to obtain data regarding the pH level and alcohol content of the wine in the years measured, as well as find out if there has been a change in the wine’s aroma profile.

Din tilbakemelding

Tilbakemeldinger fra eksperter Fase 1 - 2023-2024
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