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Podnebni detektivi (kategorija preiskav)

Ekipa: Greenday

Avstrija 14 let   5 / 2

Naslov projekta:

Podnebni izzivi Avstrije

Raziskovalno vprašanje

Analiza avstrijskih emisij ogljikovega dioksida in metana, učinkov podnebnih sprememb na turizem in geofaktorje ter dolgoročnih parametrov jezer v Avstriji

Določite lokalni okoljski/podnebni problem, ki ga želite raziskati.

This study investigates Austria’s climatic challenges, focusing on carbon dioxide and methane emissions, their seasonal and human-driven correlations, and strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of schools. Through analysis of emission data, we identify key emitters of greenhouse gases and propose mitigation measures.
Additionally, we examine the impact of climate change on geofactors and tourism, revealing how shifting climate patterns reshape environments and pose challenges to biodiversity and travel destinations.
Furthermore, we analyze long-term measurements of Austrian lakes, including water levels, precipitation, and temperature variations. Our findings indicate temporal fluctuations in water levels, increasing water temperatures, and instances of lake desiccation.
Drawing on literature research and data from ground stations and satellites, our study not only provides insights into the current state of Austria’s environmental challenges, but also offers actionable solutions to address climate change challenges at both national and educational levels.

Tema projekta

Globalno segrevanje

Opišite, kako nameravate raziskati opredeljeni problem in katere podatke nameravate analizirati.

Our study includes a lot of literature research and analyses. We conducted these analyses on datasets gathered from across Austria. These datasets encompassed information from diverse sources, including our school’s weather station, measuring devices operated by the European Space Agency (ESA), and hydrographical centers located in Lower Austria, Carinthia, and Upper Austria. Statistical analyses were performed using Excel, as well as programming languages such as Python and SAS.

Vaše povratne informacije

Povratne informacije strokovnjakov Faza 1 - 2023-2024
Ali je predlagani problem problem, ki ga lahko učenci dejansko raziščejo? Ali je izvedljiv, realističen? Pojasnite, zakaj ali zakaj ne. Ali je povezava s podnebjem/lokalnim okoljem izdelana? Po potrebi navedite širši znanstveni kontekst, v katerega spada opredeljeni problem.