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Here you can find the projects that we would need your feedback

Climate Detectives (investigation category)

Team: 5c

Germany 10 years old   25 / 16

Project title:

Guardians of the Havel River

Research question

Climate change in Berlin: is the water level of the Havel river lowering?

Identify the local environmental/climate problem you want to investigate

Berlin’s Havel River is well known to our pupils: many of them move along it every day on their way to school. Some have noticed that its waters are getting shallower and have expressed concern about the flora and fauna that inhabit the environment, with particular reference to the many ducks. Focus of the investigation will therefore be to understand whether the phenomenon is only momentary and due to particular and incidental conditions or whether it is, indeed, a long-term consequence of climate change.

Project topic

Rivers & Lakes

Describe how you plan to investigate the problem identified and which data you plan to analyse.

1. Brainstorming to agree on an exact formulation of the research question
Collection and analysis of different research instruments:
2. News on the web
3. Facts in sector publications
4. Data and images from sentinel-hubs
5. Data from on-site measurements
6. Visit to relevant water monitoring offices
7. Invitation at school and interview with an expert

Your feedback

Expert feedback Phase 1 - 2023-2024
Is the suggested problem a problem that the students can actually investigate? Is it feasible, realistic? Please explain why or why not. Is the relation with climate/local environment worked out? Where necessary indicate the wider scientific context to which the identified problem belongs.