Climate Detectives Kinderaktivitäten 2023-2024

Tätigkeit: Vom Boden und vom Himmel - Analyse und Verständnis von Bildern des Planeten Erde

Liceo Cantone   Pomigliano D'arco   Italien

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This study is important in monitoring biodiversity in our territory and they emphasizes the role of sustaining ecosystem services, producing clean water regulating and adapting to climate change; supporting nutrient cycles, maintaining health, and many other social and cultural benefits, which are well known by the students. They elaborate an experimental activity which satellite data are correlated to real data obtained in the laboratory of our school. The idea is to create a laboratory protocol for the evaluation of the protection and safeguarding of our green urban area “Parco delle Acque” The specific behaviour for each of the following factors: leaf pigments, chlorophyll, which constitutes approximately 65% of the pigments, the pigments and the epidermis reaching the parenchyma and mesophyll can give direct information on the state which being more or less developed depending on the state of health of the plant, the specific variety and species.

Die Projekte werden von den Teams erstellt und sie übernehmen die volle Verantwortung für die gemeinsamen Daten. ← Alle Aktivitäten