Welcome on the sharing platform of the Climate Detectives school projects!

Here you can explore the projects of the student teams who investigated a local climate problem between October 2018 and May 2019.

About the Climate Detectives school project

Climate Detectives is an ESA school project for students between 8 and 15 years old. Students are challenged to ‘make a difference’ in understanding and protecting Earth’s climate. They identify a climate problem by observing their local environment and be tasked to investigate it as ‘Climate Detectives’. To this end, they use available Earth Observation data or take measurements on the ground. Based on their investigation, teams propose a way to help reduce the problem. The students learn about climate on Earth as a complex and changing system and the importance of respecting our environment.

For more information, please visit the Climate Detectives website.

For questions, write to climate.detectives@esa.int