Climate Detectives Webinar 2024/2025
- Climate Detectives Webinar 2024/2025: Major natural & man-made disasters from space
- Expert Zachary Foltz
- Online
- 10 December 2024
- 10:00 to 11:00 CET
- Angleščina
- Ask questions to the expert beforehand and live
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Pridružite se Climate Detectives
Ali ste vedeli, da lahko prispevate k razumevanju in zaščiti planeta Zemlje? Pridružite se projektu Climate Detectives, ki ga izvajata ESA in ESERO! Vaša raziskava se lahko osredotoča na podnebne spremembe, pa tudi na vse o našem planetu Zemlja in skrbi zanj: okolje, trajnostni načini življenja, biotska raznovrstnost, kakovost zraka, gozdovi, oceani in še veliko več. Bodite radovedni in postanite podnebni detektiv! Učenci detektivi si skupaj prizadevajo za zaščito našega planeta!
Ekipe lahko izbirajo med dvema stopnjama sodelovanja.
S sodelovanjem v novi kategoriji za začetnike, Podnebni detektivi za otroke, lahko ekipe opravijo zabavne praktične dejavnosti in si prislužijo značke, s katerimi postanejo certificirani detektivi podnebja in Zemlje!
Za večji izziv lahko ekipe izpolnijo celotna preiskava po lastni izbiri: opredelijo problem, ki ga želijo analizirati, zbirajo podatke in svoje rezultate delijo s skupnostjo Climate Detectives. Izbrane ekipe bodo povabljene na razburljiv učni in slavnostni dogodek ob koncu tega šolskega leta!
Tuesday, 10 December 2024 10:00-11:00
The webinar will be held from 10:00- 11:00 CET
Students from 12 to 19 years old
The webinar will be in English
Ask questions
Selected questions will be answered by an expert. Questions have to be submitted beforehand via the submission form or asked in the Q&A during the webinar.
Join live or watch the recording
The link to join the webinar will be published on this website.
About the expert: Zachary Foltz
My name is Zach Foltz, I am currently a research engineer at ACRI-ST, a remote sensing company in the South of France. My work primarily consists of supporting ESA on activities related to the International Charter ‘Space and Major disasters’ and the ‘Committee on Earth Observations Satellites’ Working Group on Disasters, which are both humanitarian initiatives involving the use of Earth Observation data to better manage disaster situations worldwide. The International Charter focuses on the immediate response phase of natural and man-made disaster events, such as floods, wildfires, Earthquakes, oil spills, etc. During disasters, satellites from the 17 member agencies of the Charter provide rapid imagery of the affected areas, even in remote or inaccessible regions. This information can aid experts in assessing damages, organizing relief operations, and planning the best way to rebuild. I come from the Gulf coast of Florida, in the United States, which is a region frequently affected by hurricanes. I was always interested in science and nature, with an unwavering motivation to figure out how the natural world works. I studied Civil Engineering with a focus in water resources. During my bachelor’s degree I participated in a study abroad program at TU Delft in the Netherlands, where I studied urban planning. This experience motivated me to explore options for moving abroad, eventually deciding on a master’s degree in Environmental Hazards and Risks Management at the University of Nice in France. My transition from Civil engineering to the Earth Observation and disaster management sphere stems from combining my technical background with a passion for the critical environmental challenges we face as a society today.

Find out more about Climate Detectives in your country
Climate Detectives vodijo Evropska vesoljska agencija (ESA) in nacionalni uradi za izobraževanje o vesolju (ESERO) po vsej Evropi.
Za več informacij o časovna os in registracija postopek obiskati svoj stran države.
Participate in this year's Climate Detectives Summit!
ESA Education predstavlja letošnji dogodek Climate Detectives, na katerem učenci do 19. leta starosti raziskujejo, kako sateliti iz vesolja spremljajo spremembe podnebja in okolja na Zemlji.
Date: 12-13th of May 2025
Lokacija: ESRIN, Center za opazovanje Zemlje ESA, Frascati, Italija.
Participate in the Climate Detectives Project 2024/2025 and have the chance to be selected for the Climate Detectives Summit 2025. Connect with fellow students from across Europe who are making a difference in their local community as part of the Climate Detectives Project.
Dogodek v celoti krije ESA. Upoštevajte, da udeleženci programa Climate Detectives Kids ne morejo sodelovati na dogodku. Več o dogodku izveste s klikom na spodnji gumb: