Climate Detectives Dejavnosti za otroke 2023-2024

Dejavnost: Eno leto na Zemlji - Razumevanje letnih časov

5ο Νηπιαγωγείο Φαρσάλων   ΦΑΡΣΑΛΑ   Grčija

Opišite, kaj je vaša ekipa naredila, in nam povejte več o tem, česa se je naučila:

-Understanding the circularity of time and the changing of the seasons.
Teaching objectives:
The students to:
-Understand the circularity of time
-Understand the motion of the Earth around the sun
-Reading books
-Watching the video from Esa Kids (Paxi-Day, night and seasons)
-Simulation of the change of seasons.
Students realized the existence of four seasons and the way of their alternation.

Projekte oblikujejo ekipe, ki so v celoti odgovorne za skupne podatke. ← Vse dejavnosti