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Climate Detectives Learning and Celebration Event 2024
Congratulations to the teams joining the 2024 Climate Detectives Learning and Celebration Event
You made all a difference and helped to raise awareness to protect and learn about environment and climate. Thank you so much for your participation, your great ideas, your investigations, and the conclusions you shared with us.
Paul Esquinance Middle School Science Team, Collège Paul Esquinance, France
The Next Gen Ninja, Next Gen Ninja, United Kingdom
Greenday, BG/BRG 19 Billrothstraße 75, Austria
Team astrosmurfs, Västerbergslagens utbildningsförbund, Sweden
EcoOffSetMarket, SC Ptuj, Slovenia
Micropla, I.T.I. OMAR, Italy
Torrelló, IES El Torrelló, Spain
Club Astronomie-Climatologie de Sainte-Sophie, Ecole Privée Sainte-Sophie, Luxembourg
Carbon Flux investigation, Tampereen Klassillinen Lukio, Finland
HTG Green, Høje Taastrup Gymnasium, Denmark
Detectives 007, 1 GEL Aigiou, Greece
HRIANKI, Gymnázium Poštová 9, Poštová 9, Košice, 04001, Slovakia, Slovakia
The solar experts, College Hagelstein, Belgium
Etxis, Agrupamento de Escolas de Ponte de Sor, Portugal
CBS Roscommon, CBS Roscommon, Ireland
Technecium, Technecium – UTESLA, Czech Republic
Ovidius, Ovidius Highschool Constanta, Romania
The Earth Explorer, Poland