Team: Los ecoscientist
Spain 13 years old, 14 years old, 12 years old 8, 1, 7 / 7
Project title:
Aquaponics as a farming system to achieve sustainable development
Research question
Can we grow plants without land?
Identify the local environmental/climate problem you want to investigate
The problems we can identify in our locality and on which we will base our research work are: increasing desertification, worn-out and eroded land that cannot be cultivated, and the scarce precipitation that hinders plant growth.
Project topic
Describe how you plan to investigate the problem identified and which data you plan to analyse.
After identifying the topic, we will divide the research project into the following phases:
1. Information search about the aquaponics system, its benefits in agriculture, and examples of completed projects.
2. Design and implementation of an aquaponics system that will serve us to study and analyze the feasibility of implementing this cultivation system in our environment.
3. Collect data and prepare a document showcasing the achievements obtained in this research process.
4. Communicate our results to the scientific community.
Your feedback