Climate Detectives-projekt 2023-2024

Projektets titel: Temperaturvakt

ISIS Europa   Pomigliano D’Arco, Na   Italien

Sammanfattning av projektet

This project involves students from class 2Cg at ISIS “Europa,” a school a few miles from Naples and located in the town of Pomigliano D’Arco, Italy
The pathway clarifies the close correlation between the presence of CO2 on earth and climate change, the fraction of this climate-altering gas must be considered in counting the total carbon on earth. It is now known that natural carbon sinks, such as oceans and forests, are not stable but are being affected by anthropogenic activities and are becoming increasingly vulnerable. To better understand this close correlation between carbon, CO2 and climate change in our territory, students carried out an “outdoor education” course of quantitative data collection on the carbon present in our territory, its location, and the possibility of being able to monitor its cycle through the analysis of the biomass present in the green areas of Pomigliano d’Arco.

Huvudsakliga resultat och slutsatser

The mathematical models carried out showed that:
global temperature has increased by 0.2°C every decade;
+1.5 °C (point of no return) will be reached in the middle of 2048;
In the city of Pomigliano, as much as +4 °C will be reached, according to our study.

Vad händer nu? Åtgärder för att göra skillnad och bidra till att minska problemet

Design an intervention to plant the right number of trees according to the needs of the population. Continuously monitor air composition and implement collaboration with local stakeholders to raise awareness about the problem and plan sustainable solutions in our city


Projekten skapas av teamen och de tar det fulla ansvaret för den delade datan.
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