Climate Detectives Kids Activities 2023-2024

Activity: Ljusets magi - studera ljusets egenskaper

2nd Preschool Afeton-Syki   Pelion-Volos   Grekland

Describe what your team has done and tell us more about what your team has learnt:

Climate Pandas completed 5 activities regarding the “Magic of Light” project – as seen in the photos.
1. What is the light source?
the students learnt about the different light sources – natural and human-made ones. They completed a realative worksheet.
2. Is white light truly white?
the students used the spectroscope to analyze white light from different resources.
3. How does our phone-screens produce white colur?
the students discovered the different colors of the pixels. They used a second mobile phone as a magnifier.
4. Can we make our own complex colors?
the students were accustomed in combining basic colors into secondary ones. So it was easy for them to use the colour wheel to do the same.
5. What happens when we mix all the colours of the rainbow?
the students used the colour wheel to produce white light – this was an awesome discovery!

Presentation av projektet


Projekten skapas av teamen och de tar det fulla ansvaret för den delade datan. ← All activities