Projekti Climate Detectives 2023-2024

Naslov projekta: Sprememba vremenskih razmer v Argyroupolisu

3rd High School of Argyroupolis   Atene   Grčija

Raziskovalno vprašanje

Ali so se v zadnjih 30 letih v Argyroupolisu spremenile vremenske razmere?

Povzetek projekta

There is a change of weather conditions in Argyroupolis the last 30 years.We have noticed that there is a decrease in rainfall. At the same time, the days we use heating at school are decreasing over the years. We want to find out if this feeling is real.

Glavni rezultati in sklepi

Ali so se v zadnjih 30 letih v Argyroupolisu spremenile vremenske razmere?

Kaj sledi? Ukrepi, s katerimi lahko spremenite in zmanjšate problem

Participation of our school in the 3rd Youth Assembly on climate change for Athens (Arsinoe project) with proposals from our students for mitigation, adaptation and information-governance

Projekte oblikujejo ekipe, ki so v celoti odgovorne za skupne podatke.
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