Climate Detectives Dejavnosti za otroke 2023-2024

Dejavnost: AstroFarmer - Učenje o pogojih za rast rastlin

Școala Gimnazială „Preda Buzescu ” Vlădaia   VLĂDAIA   Romunija

Opišite, kaj je vaša ekipa naredila, in nam povejte več o tem, česa se je naučila:

With patience, with appropriate tools and skill, we sow, plant and care to discover the secrets of gardening.
For flowering plants, seeds are the most important way to reproduce. We learned how and from what the seed is formed, where we find it and how it ends up giving birth to a new plant. Following the observations made, I found out what plants need to be healthy.
I followed the development of attitudes and values such as curiosity, the spirit of observation and receptivity of children, the spirit of investigation, respect for plants and any other form of life, cooperation, but also tolerance for the opinions of others, concern for a healthy way of feeding , care for nature.

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