Climate Detectives Dejavnosti za otroke 2023-2024

Dejavnost: Vreme proti podnebju - Razumevanje razlike med vremenom in podnebjem

Osnovna šola Brougham   Hartlepool   Združeno kraljestvo

Opišite, kaj je vaša ekipa naredila, in nam povejte več o tem, česa se je naučila:

We looked at the images of the Columbia Glacier and talked about what has happened to the Glacier over the last 26 years. The children couldn’t believe how much of the glacier had melted away.
We then claculated how much of the glacier had melted away using the 4×4 square grid. We estimated that around 208km of ice had melted away.
We talked about the glaciers decreasing rapidly in summer due to climate change. Winter increases the glacier but because Winters are not as cold as they used to be, the glacier isn’t able to fully reform each year causing a rapid decrese every year.

Projekte oblikujejo ekipe, ki so v celoti odgovorne za skupne podatke. ← Vse dejavnosti