
Register now(Climate Detectives Kids) Register now(Climate Detectives) Organiser Contact National Organiser Registered teams Map of Country Teams


Registrácia Termíny a míľniky Climate Detectives Kids je otvorený od 22. septembra 2023 do 10. apríla 2024. Otvára sa 22. septembra 2023Fáza 1 Zaregistrujte svoj tím a zdieľajte podrobnosti o pláne vyšetrovania NOVINKA! 15. 1. 2024Termín registrácie PREDĹŽENÝ: Predložte svoj plán vyšetrovania do 15. januára 2024. Uzatvára sa na predkladanie 10/04/2024Fáza 2 a 3 Preskúmajte svoj problém, zhromaždite a [...]


Register now(Climate Detectives Kids) Register now(Climate Detectives) Deadlines and milestones  Climate Detectives Kids is open from 09 September 2024 until 04 April 2025. Opens 09/09/2024Phase 1 Register your team and share your investigation plan details Intermediate phasePhase 2 Investigate your problem, collect and analyse data, and draw your conclusions. December 2024ESA Expert Webinar date and […]


Register now(Climate Detectives Kids) Register now(Climate Detectives) Deadlines and milestones  Climate Detectives Kids is open from 09 September 2024 until 04 April 2025. Opens 09/09/2024Phase 1 Register your team and share your investigation plan details 20/09/202417:30 – 19:00 EETInformation session Introduction to Climate Detectives (phases, timeline) and basic tools of Sentinel Hub EO Browser. October […]


Zaregistrujte sa teraz (Climate Detectives Kids) Zaregistrujte sa teraz (Climate Detectives) Termíny a míľniky Climate Detectives Kids je otvorený od 22. septembra 2023 do 1. februára 2024. Otvára sa 22. septembra 2023Fáza 1 Zaregistrujte svoj tím a zdieľajte podrobnosti o pláne vyšetrovania tu. 31/10/2023Školenie učiteľov Etänä Teams-yhteyksin 31.10.2023 klo 15.00-18.00 (lyhennetty koulutus). Viac informácií nájdete na stránke ESERO Fínsko. [...]


Register now(Climate Detectives Kids) Register now(Climate Detectives) Contact National Organiser Info about the project in its national context Arbejder dine elever med virksomhedscasen Klimasikring af kyst og vandløb eller Satellitdata – et vigtigt værktøj, har de mulighed for at deltage i konkurrencen om at vinde en rejse til Den Europæiske Rumfartsorganisation ESA, som har kontorer […]


Register Climate Detectives Kids Register Climate Detectives(Dutch) Register Climate Detectives(French & German) Deadlines and milestones  Climate Detectives Kids is open from 09 September 2024 until 04 April 2025. Opens 09/09/2024Phase 1 Register your team and share your investigation plan details 25/10/2024 Submission deadline of investigation plan for Dutch-speaking teams  Intermediate phasePhase 2 Investigate your problem, […]


Register now (Climate Detectives Kids) Register now (Climate Detectives) Deadlines and milestones  Climate Detectives Kids is open from 09 September 2024 until 04 April 2025. Opens 09/09/2024Phase 1 Register your team and share your investigation plan details 15/11/2024Registration deadline Submit your investigation plan by 15 November 2024. Feedback from expertsIntermediate phase Phase 2 Investigate your […]