Climate Detectives Aktivity pre deti 2023-2024

Činnosť: Bee Hive with AI

2. a 3. základná škola v Nea Erythraia   Αθήνα   Grécko

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The students investigated biodiversity using satellite data from the OE browser, analyzing how regional biodiversity changes over time. They then explored the vital role of bees in sustaining biodiversity through pollination and the food chain. To address bee health, they proposed a technology-based solution: a smart beehive that monitors bee well-being. They first created 3D bee models from recycled materials and then they used them to create and train a “Google Teachable Machine” model to distinguish pollen-carrying bees. Next, they created a program using the Pictoblox blocked based software and the Machine learning model to allow beekeepers to remotely monitor the hive’s health.

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