Climate Detectives Activități pentru copii 2023-2024

Activity: Biodiversity and pollinatorsss

2nd and 3rd Primary Schools of Nea Erythraia   Αθήνα   Grecia

Describe what your team has done and tell us more about what your team has learnt:

The students investigated the link between healthy bee populations and overall biodiversity. They delved into satellite data from the EO browser to see how biodiversity in different regions changed over time. This analysis helped them understand the essential role bees play in maintaining biodiversity through pollination and the food chain.
Determined to address bee health, they came up with a high-tech solution: a smart beehive.
They first printed a mini beehive using their classroom’s 3D printer. They equipped it with a BBC Micro:bit, a tiny computer, to monitor temperature and air humidity using a separate sensor. An LCD screen connected to the bbC:Microbit displayed these readings in real-time, allowing bee keepers tocheck monitore bees’ well-being.
The students programmed their smart beehive solution on the MakeCode platform, a visual programming environment that uses drag-and-drop code blocks. This allowed them to write the code without needing to be complex text-based programming languages.

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