Climate Detectives Actividades para crianças 2023-2024

Atividade: Clima para a escola - O ciclo da água

Școala Gimnazială Nr.16 “Marin Ionescu Dobrogianu” Constanța   Constanta   Roménia

Descreva o que a sua equipa fez e conte-nos mais sobre o que aprendeu:

We have learnt about the importance of the water circuit and therefor of the precipitations.
Firstly, children found out information about water, precipitations but also about flood and landslide. After discussions and analysis and research, children have done „The water book”. This was a sensorial book which also contained information about water and water circuit. Children presented the products during an exhibition in school.

Os projetos são criados pelas equipes e elas assumem a responsabilidade total pelos dados compartilhados. ← Todas as actividades