Climate Detectives Projects 2023-2024

Project title: how can we slow the melting of the ice caps down?

Stedelijk Lyceum Waterbaan   Antwerpen   Belgium

Research question
Summary of the project

The project addresses the critical issue of rising sea levels resulting from increased greenhouse gas concentrations. It emphasizes the greater impact of land ice on sea level rise due to its volume contribution compared to sea ice. The research involves theoretical exploration and two experiments-one focusing on the influence of land and sea ice, and the other on salt concentration’s impact on ice melting speed.
The second experiment, using varying salt concentrations, confirmed the hypothesis that lower salt concentrations result in slower ice melting, while higher concentrations lead to faster melting. The team collected data from diverse sources, created time-lapse videos of ice evolution, consulted graphs, and analyzed the history of sea level rise. Visualizations included graphs depicting the decline in Alaska’s ice coverage and the direct relationship between salt concentration and ice melt time.
The conclusion highlights that ice above water melts slower but adds more volume, while submerged ice melts faster without volume addition. Increased salt concentration accelerates ice melting, demonstrating a direct relationship. Over the past 15 years, global sea levels have risen due to climate change, posing risks to low-lying coastal areas.

Main results and Conclusions

Graphs created from gathered data indicate a 5m² decrease in Alaska’s ice cover since 2017. The experiments reveal that ice above water melts more slowly but adds volume, while submerged ice melts faster without volume addition. The more salt in water, the faster ice melts, showcasing a proportional relationship.
Collaborative efforts are essential in addressing sea level rise, involving communities, governments, and educational institutions. The community can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support reforestation. Governments play a crucial role in investing in sustainable energy initiatives and engaging in international cooperation. Educational institutions, like the school involved in the project, can contribute by adopting sustainable energy solutions.

What’s Next? Actions to make a difference and help lessen the problem

The community can limit greenhouse gas emissions and support reforestation, while governments can invest in sustainable energy initiatives and engage in international cooperation. Within the school, installing solar panels and promoting green energy sources can contribute to a cleaner energy mix.
The collaborative approach across various sectors is emphasized to combat the pressing issue of sea level rise, with specific actions outlined for each sector. The narrative flows smoothly from the project details to the collaborative efforts and actionable steps.

Project presentation

Projects are created by the teams and they take the full responsibility of the shared data.
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