Climate Detectives Projects 2022-2023

Project topic: Agriculture

Project title: How does light intensity affect grass growth in our locality

Team: Grass Men

Clonaslee College   Clonaslee   Ireland   4 Student’s age: 16-17 years old

Research question

Our research question is: What effect does light intensity have on grass growth and productivity in Irish grass land farm

Summary of the project
Seed trays set up and subjected to different light intensities

Our following background research consists off this following website we
investigated what grass seeds would be the most suitable for the grass to grow. Then we did some
research on Teagasc on photosynthesis and light intensity to see what way the grass would grow
in the dark and also in light then we had to figure out the best place to put it into the school
where the sun would shine and there was a press, we could put the other grass plot we
chose the Home Economics room for this project because we taught it was most suitable.

The climate in Ireland can be summed up as being mild, moist, and changeable with abundant rain
fall and a lack of temperature extremes. In the summer we get hot summers, and, in the winter,
we get mixed with wind and rain. This climate is particularly good to grow grass with we need
grass to feed out animals. With an increase in cloudy days and rainfall we concluded that there is
a decrease in the overall light intensity for the growing of grass.
We believe with enough sunlight and raining we can get good grasses quality for our animals
We grew 4 trays of grass. 2 had sunlight and 2 without. We kept the 2 without sunlight in a press.
We watered all the grass at the same time and by the same amount. The only different variable
was the sunlight.

Main results and Conclusions
Effect of light intensity of grass production

The results were that the grass kept in the press with no sunlight meant that it went white and did
not produce chlorophyll. Compared to the grass with sunlight that stayed alive.
If grass does not have the green pigment, chlorophyll, it cannot photosynthesis and therefore
produce no food for itself. It will eventually die.

What’s Next? Actions to make a difference and help lessen the problem

We can see how light intensity affects growth now after completing this project. We now clearly
see that plants need sunlight to grow. Climate change could really affect plants because without
light there will be no plants. And we need plants to survive.

Project poster:

Download project poster PDF

Projects are created by the teams and they take the full responsibility of the shared data.
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