Climate Detectives Projects 2020-2021

    Project topic: Climate change

    Project title: Wind Direction (Anemometer)

    Team: Moon and Sun (Guest Team)

    CENOM   Rio de Janeiro   Brazil   8 4Student’s age: 14-15 years old

    Research question

    What is the direction and intensity of the wind? What can cause it and how to measure it?

    Summary of the project
    monitoring the winds and their direction

    To understand the direction and intensity of the wind, some meteorological instruments are used; like the anemometer, which partly resembles a weather vane. The force of the wind propels the equipment’s shells, making the shaft rotate and the more turns it takes, the greater its speed. Another device that is popularly known is the windsock.

    Main results and Conclusions

    Each team member will be able to observe and record their observations. You will have your own material for your daily observation, such as windsock and anemometer, in addition to using the EO Browser; which makes it possible to browse and compare full resolution images from all the data sources we provide. It is simple to use, it allows you to go to your area of ​​interest, select the desired time interval and cloud coverage and inspect the resulting data in the browser. It allows you to try different views or make your own, download high resolution images and create timelapses.

    The amount of information collected and observed can be included in a spreadsheet to be filled out. This application will be a very good resource. Analyze the wind in several countries and compare it with yours, see how the weather is in a given location, all of this will present information necessary to prove the wind direction and the speed of the same.

    By studying the weather and climate through the EO Browser, students will see the importance of observing Earth from space in the study of changes that occur on our planet in real time. Team members will be able to check the wind direction in their homes with the windsock and anemometer. When using the EO Browser, they will notice the differences between the countries observed.

    In ESA’s galleries we find images of Mato Grosso, in Brazil. Everything is important, everything is a given, after the analysis, spreadsheets and records can be created with the observed records.

    The resources on the Climate Detectives page and those shared by teachers on the ESERO PT page are wonderful and will be used with students.

    What’s Next? Actions to help lessen the problem
    Clean air and trees

    The EO Browser online tool,, will be used, and the platforms will be used as,-42.220,7, which show the patterns of wind dispersion at every moment, using weather stations, assist in monitoring

    Projects are created by the teams and they take the full responsibility of the shared data.
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