Climate Detectives Projecten 2023-2024

Projecttitel: De vernieuwing van infrastructuren in de agglomeratie Laval.

Collège Sainte-Thérèse   Laval   Frankrijk


Waarom en hoe zal de agglomeratie Laval haar infrastructuur vernieuwen?

Samenvatting van het project

Construction and development of the buildings for a sustainable development, in order to cope with frequent flooding, and at the request of Laval residents. There is already a renewal of infrastructures in the agglomeration of Laval because some infrastructures are old and not ecological. The center of the city has no green spaces. In response, the town hall has decided to create a city center and new infrastructures. The old infrastructures are being renovated. Other building projects are being developed.

Belangrijkste resultaten en conclusies

Waarom en hoe zal de agglomeratie Laval haar infrastructuur vernieuwen?

Espace Mayenne : Before the construction of Espace Mayenne, the place was occupied by fields.
Eco quartier : Here it was a trite district of Laval, very old. Buildings were built with materials which weren’t sustainable and which polluted.
The place of cars in the square: The townhall of Laval has decided to make new roads in the square because before there were many roads ( 3 around the square )So they have decided to redo the roads so that the place of the car decreases and that of bicycles and buses increases as we can see below. They have done that because they noticed after a poll that the cars were just passing and not stopping, and they want the opposite.

Wat is de volgende stap? Acties om een verschil te maken en het probleem te helpen verminderen

The place of water in the city center of Laval
An ecological basin (in full earth ) will be created in the city center of Laval ,to be able to recover water.
Gardens of rain will be created.
There will also be a stream of water, a dried fountain and landscaped valleys.
40% of runoff water on furnished surfaces will be collected by vegetated spaces
To limit floodings problems , low points will therefore be created at the level of future green spaces to promote the natural infiltration of rainwater and to preserve existing trees as much as possible.

There will be a greater place for the plants. Reintroducing plants in the city centre to create islands of freshness. Ensuring an important place for plants in the city is to create refuge zones in case of high heat.
Associate the plants with the presence of water.
Promote biodiversity in cities, by the diversity of plant composition and environments.
Today, facilities have been made and ancient buildings have been renovated more ecologically. In addition, the vegetation is very present and actions are conducted to protect the nature which surrounds it.
Now, the building replaces the fields and the vegetation despite the fact that it was built to protect the ecosystem. A velodrome and a pedestrian track surround the buiding.

Projecten worden gemaakt door de teams en zij nemen de volledige verantwoordelijkheid voor de gedeelde gegevens.
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