Climate Detectives projekti 2023-2024


3highschool gerakas   ΓΕΡΑΚΑΣ   Grieķija

Pētījuma jautājums
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Two years ago, in August 2022, a fire occurred in our area. Can we observe the change to the nature of our area with the help of satellites? Furthermore, can we simultaneously monit1)We often deal with dust thickly. Dust that blurs our photos, dust that makes cars and courtyards of houses not cleanmakes visibility in the area dificult .
So we deceided to observe the dust. Our team will observe dust episodes and record them almost daily from October to March. We will get dust data from (National Observatory of Athens). They will be divided into 4 categories 0: no dust at all 2: low 4: medium high 6-7 very high. Data is stored in a shared Excel sheet. On the days with dust we will keep the (National Observatory of Athens) dust charts, and we will observe the area from the EO Browser paying attention to the changes that occur.
Beigās mēs parādīsim diagrammas pa mēnešiem ar putekļu dienām.

2) Two years ago (August 2022) a fire broke out in our area. So part of our research was to observe the change in the nature of our area with the help of satellites. We will try to make a timelapse observing the change of the area From EOBrowser before and after the fire .or local dust levels and investigate any potential correlation between these phenomena?

Galvenie rezultāti un secinājumi

1) From the chart it appears that the dust episodes are very frequent, but of small size
2)We made a timelapse observing the change of the area From EOBrowser before and after the fire of August 2022.

Kas tālāk? Pasākumi, lai mainītu situāciju un palīdzētu mazināt problēmu

Climate change is a complex issue that necessitates thorough examination and heightened awareness to effectively tackle it. In the region, coordinated reforestation initiatives are underway.. We expect to see the difference in green after the reforestation in a year from now.

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