Climate Detectives Aktivitātes bērniem 2023-2024

Darbība: AstroFarmer - Iepazīšanās ar augu augšanas apstākļiem

Școala Gimnazială “Emil Isac”   Cluj-Napoca   Rumānija

Aprakstiet, ko jūsu komanda ir darījusi, un pastāstiet mums vairāk par to, ko jūsu komanda ir iemācījusies:

At the beginning of March, we planted onion bulbs, to see how they grow and to have a green corner of the class. The students watched how the plants grow, watered them and remembered how they can take care of a plant. I discussed with them, what are the component parts of a plant, what are the stages of development and the environmental conditions necessary for the development of a plant.

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