Climate Detectives Aktivitātes bērniem 2023-2024

Darbība: No zemes un no debesīm - planētas Zeme attēlu analīze un izpratne

Rodopolis bērnudārzs   Rodopoli Attica   Grieķija

Aprakstiet, ko jūsu komanda ir darījusi, un pastāstiet mums vairāk par to, ko jūsu komanda ir iemācījusies:

Kindergarteners embark on an imaginative journey with Paxi. Inspired by Paxi’s videos and stories on life in space, they compare captivating photos taken from space and Earth. Using their creativity, they design an online drag-and-drop game reflecting their understanding of space. Collaborating like astronauts, they create a teamwork collage from photos sent by space explorers. These activities foster teamwork, creativity, and digital skills.

Projekta prezentācija


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