Climate Detectives Aktivitātes bērniem 2023-2024

Darbība: Laikapstākļi un klimats - izpratne par atšķirībām starp laikapstākļiem un klimatu


Aprakstiet, ko jūsu komanda ir darījusi, un pastāstiet mums vairāk par to, ko jūsu komanda ir iemācījusies:

On 15.02.2024 in the 5th grade B, we did the weather vs. climate activity focused on the local horizon, we collected data about temperature and precipitation, we collected data about the cloud cover of the local horizon with the help of the Copernicus EO BROWSE application, we did a time-lapse with the help of Sentinel Hub when the degree of cloud cover in the local horizon was 0% or very low. The children were very excited about the activity and want to do other activities.

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