Climate Detectives Activités pour enfants 2023-2024

Activité : La Terre sous le couvercle - Comprendre l'effet de serre

2nd and 3rd Primary Schools of Nea Erythraia   Αθήνα   Grèce

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The students actively engaged in exploring biodiversity and understanding climate change. They discussed and defined biodiversity, grasping its importance in maintaining environmental balance. Through collaborative activities (Canva) and the interactive game “Jungle Jeopardy”, they deepened their comprehension of ecosystems and the interdependence of species within them. Transitioning to the realm of climate change, students analyzed animal cards to anticipate the impacts of rising temperatures on the animals’ life. Further, they delved into the greenhouse effect, comprehending its connection to global warming through video resources and discussions. Through these activities, students not only gained knowledge about these critical environmental concepts but also developed critical thinking skills and a sense of responsibility towards addressing climate change issues. They are now equipped with a deeper understanding of biodiversity and climate change, poised to advocate for environmental stewardship and take proactive measures to mitigate its effects.

Les projets sont créés par les équipes qui assument l'entière responsabilité des données partagées. ← Toutes les activités