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Climate Detectives (investigation category)

Team: Xander, Jesse and Dien

Belgium 16 years old   3 / 0

Project title:

From pollution to fish population

Research question

How does water quality influence the population size of different species of fish in Flanders?

Identify the local environmental/climate problem you want to investigate

It’s important to note that in Flanders, our rivers are not very clean, especially the larger ones. They have been heavily polluted due to various discharges and dumping. However, in recent years, the water quality has been progressively improving due to stricter regulations.
That is why we embarked on a study to examine the impact of water quality on the fish population in two Flemish rivers (Dijle and Grote Nete). Our fieldwork involves fishing expeditions in the Grote Nete and Dijle rivers. During our field work water quality of both rivers will be assessed.

Project topic

Flora & Fauna

Describe how you plan to investigate the problem identified and which data you plan to analyse.

Your feedback

Expert feedback Phase 1 - 2023-2024
Is the suggested problem a problem that the students can actually investigate? Is it feasible, realistic? Please explain why or why not. Is the relation with climate/local environment worked out? Where necessary indicate the wider scientific context to which the identified problem belongs.