Welcome to Climate Detectives Expert Dashboard!

Here you can find the projects that we would need your feedback

Climate Detectives (investigation category)

Team: Neobots

Greece 6 years old and younger   28 / 14

Project title:

Mediterannean SOS

Research question

Is Sea Turtle Careta- Careta in danger?

Identify the local environmental/climate problem you want to investigate

Sea turtles Careta Careta are living in Mediterannean sea and hatch their eggs to nearby beaches. But during the hatching there are great dangers that making this exact sea turtle an endangered animal. Which aer the greatest dangers? What can we do to help?

Project topic


Describe how you plan to investigate the problem identified and which data you plan to analyse.

We are going to find 1)Where is living the sea turtle?
2) What is sea turtle’s life circle?
3) What are the dangers that are facing this sea turtle during the hattching period?
4) What can we do to help her?

Your feedback

Expert feedback Phase 1 - 2023-2024
Is the suggested problem a problem that the students can actually investigate? Is it feasible, realistic? Please explain why or why not. Is the relation with climate/local environment worked out? Where necessary indicate the wider scientific context to which the identified problem belongs.