Climate Detectives Laste tegevused 2023-2024

Tegevus: Maast ja taevast - Planeedi Maa piltide analüüs ja mõistmine

Wexhami kool   Slough   Ühendkuningriik

Kirjeldage, mida teie meeskond on teinud, ja rääkige meile lähemalt sellest, mida teie meeskond on õppinud:

In todays session the team were really fascinated with the images provided by the space agency. They did not realise how small earth looks from space. It was great to see the students really engage with this activity.
The team has learnt how to identify different features from space and are now also able to suggest what you cannot see from space. In addition to this, Students are also now able to suggest how images from space can help tackle environmental issues

Projektid luuakse meeskondade poolt ja nad võtavad täieliku vastutuse jagatud andmete eest. ← Kõik tegevused