Climate Detectives Kinderaktivitäten 2023-2024

Tätigkeit: Vom Boden und vom Himmel - Analyse und Verständnis von Bildern des Planeten Erde

Liceo Cantone   Pomigliano D'arco   Italien

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The students studying the multispectral images (Sentinel Hub) from November 2022 to February 2024 in our territoty- The data on the trend of the vegetation reflectance curve at different wavelengths by the content and type of leaf pigments, the internal structure of the leaf and the waNegative vter content. The students see changes in the colours of elements and know the behaviour of vegetation in the visible bands (they absorb in blue and red and reflect in green) and in the near and medium infrared. The figure shows the NDVI changing of the number of green pixels. The students calculate the reflectance with NDVI =NIR-Red/NIR+Red to evaluate the state of vegetation health based on how plants reflect light Figure 3. The students observed a variation in the NDVI and in the shades of green in the same study area which demonstrates a change in the plant. species


Die Projekte werden von den Teams erstellt und sie übernehmen die volle Verantwortung für die gemeinsamen Daten. ← Alle Aktivitäten