Climate Detectives Kinderaktivitäten 2023-2024

Tätigkeit: Vom Boden und vom Himmel - Analyse und Verständnis von Bildern des Planeten Erde

2nd and 3rd Primary Schools of Nea Erythraia   Αθήνα   Griechenland

Beschreiben Sie, was Ihr Team getan hat, und erzählen Sie uns mehr darüber, was Ihr Team gelernt hat:

With the driving question “How do we know that climate change is real?” the students were asked to investigate the scientific methods for monitoring and observing climate change. Through a brainstorming activity, they recognized the importance of observations, measurements, and data from both terrestrial and satellite sources. They explored in plenary ESA satellite images, analyzed photos to visualize climate change. In teams, they explored specific climate change impacts using ESA’s “Climate from Space Stories” worksheets. Topics like “Coasts Under Threat” and “Biodiversity and habitat loss” allowed students to examine consequences of temperature rise and the role of satellite imagery.

In a collaborative plenary session, students shared findings, discussing how satellite images and data contribute to understanding climate change’s effects. Through this process, they learned not only about the reality of climate change but also about the crucial role of scientific observation and analysis in addressing this global challenge.


Die Projekte werden von den Teams erstellt und sie übernehmen die volle Verantwortung für die gemeinsamen Daten. ← Alle Aktivitäten