Climate Detectives Kinderaktivitäten 2023-2024

Tätigkeit: Das Eis schmilzt - Wie können wir die Auswirkungen des schmelzenden Eises untersuchen?

Brougham-Grundschule   Hartlepool   Vereinigtes Königreich

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We were testing to see how sea levels would change if land ice and sea ice melted. We set up an experiment using 2 cups filled with water. Cup 1 had a block of ice placed into it which represented sea ice. Cup 2 had playdough in the bottom of it with a piece of ice on top to represent land ice. We watched each ice cube melt into the cups and found that the land ice cup over flowed but the sea ice cup did not. We have learnt that sea ice is not massively contributing to rising sea levels but land ice is because it is melting and then flowing into oceans causing the sea levels to rise.

Die Projekte werden von den Teams erstellt und sie übernehmen die volle Verantwortung für die gemeinsamen Daten. ← Alle Aktivitäten