Climate Detectives Kinderaktivitäten 2023-2024

Tätigkeit: Klima für Schulen - Der Wasserkreislauf

Wexham Schule   Slough   Vereinigtes Königreich

Beschreiben Sie, was Ihr Team getan hat, und erzählen Sie uns mehr darüber, was Ihr Team gelernt hat:

The team worked really hard over the last two weeks learning about the water cycle.
The first week was when the water cycle was introduced. We watched the video about it and completed worksheet one where students were able to identify why water matters. We then read the story of Stephen the snowflake and made a spider diagram about the scientific words in the story

The second week we created water cycle diagrams and students were able to explain each step of the water cycle in detail.

Die Projekte werden von den Teams erstellt und sie übernehmen die volle Verantwortung für die gemeinsamen Daten. ← Alle Aktivitäten