Climate Detectives Aktivity pro děti 2023-2024

Činnost: Jeden rok na Zemi - Porozumění ročním obdobím

Škola Wexham   Slough   Spojené království

Popište, co váš tým dělal, a řekněte nám více o tom, co se váš tým naučil:

At the start of the session, students were invited to read the hand out provided by ESA about the background of why we have seasons. Students then watched a video about why we have seasons and an additional video that showcased the earth’s tilt and how this affects the seasons.
Students were very excited to learn about why we have seasons and by the end of the session they were able to explain why the different hemispheres have winter and summer at different times.
They part they enjoyed the most was choosing where they would like to visit when the northern hemisphere have their winter. The chose very warm places in the southern hemisphere such as India and Bali.

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