Climate Detectives Aktivity pre deti 2023-2024

Činnosť: Nose up high in th sky – Observing and measuring weather conditions

Materská škola Rodopolis   Rodopoli Attica   Grécko

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The students of Rodopolis Kindergarten with their second mission have not only expanded their knowledge of weather and climate through engaging activities and artistic interpretation but have also taken a significant step towards creating their own weather station. Through the construction of instruments, exploration of proverbs, and firsthand measurements, these young meteorologists-in-training have cultivated a hands-on understanding of the fascinating world of weather observation. This initiative not only enriches their educational experience but also sets the stage for a continued journey of scientific exploration and discovery. The Rodopolis Kindergarten weather station stands (by constructing a rain gauge and an anemometer, meticulously recording daily temperature and weather conditions) as a testament to the curiosity and ingenuity of these budding scientists, promising a bright future of continued exploration and understanding of the ever-changing atmospheric conditions.

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