Climate Detectives 2024-2025 – National Organisers
Organizador nacional
Please indicate who of your organisation will be the point of contact for Climate Detectives this year and need (or already have) access to the National Organisers platform on the Climate Detectives platform (maximum 2 people). National Organiser rights of people that currently have access but are not listed in this form will be revoked (for data protection reasons).
can also be a general organiser email
can also be a general organiser email


National Page
For the national page, I prefer..

Climate Detectives Teams Registrations

The ESA Climate Detectives platform will be available to all countries that would like to make use of it for team’s registrations, national feedback (to be managed at national level) and national and European project gallery. ESEROs will have access to the personal data of their national teachers and teams. National experts can make use of the platform for feedback (to be managed by the ESEROs). Projects which are not registered through the ESA Climate Detectives platform might not be shown in the final project gallery.
Would you like to make use of ESA Central platform ( for national registration of Teams?
Se tiver uma plataforma de registo nacional, pode continuar a utilizá-la. Atenção: por defeito, estas equipas não serão apresentadas na galeria geral.
Irá organizar e gerir o feedback das equipas que apresentam o plano de investigação?

Tag-Up Meetings

Frequency at which you wish to have Climate Detectives Organisers Tag-up meetings