Climate Detectives Actividades para crianças 2023-2024

Atividade: Tempo vs. Clima - Compreender a diferença entre tempo e clima

CEIP. Hernán Cortes   Talavera de la Reina   Espanha

Descreva o que a sua equipa fez e conte-nos mais sobre o que aprendeu:

The team has developed the lesson proposed by the ESA, they have match the different flashcards, they have debate finding similarities on physical features and observing the differences in colors as the season changed.
They have created drawings to record the information in their notebooks and answered in groups the different questions.
They have developed curiosity towards the topic, the have learnt about the ISS and views from satellites and they have developed problem solving abilities.

Link do projeto:

Os projetos são criados pelas equipes e elas assumem a responsabilidade total pelos dados compartilhados. ← Todas as actividades