Team: DLS Waterford
Irland 16 år gammel 2 /
Projektets titel:
Klima/miljøpåvirkning fra byggeriet på vandkvaliteten i floden
Hvad er effekten af North Quays-byggeprojektet på Suir-flodens vandkvalitet, og om det kan have en miljømæssig effekt?
Identificer det lokale miljø/klimaproblem, du ønsker at undersøge.
What we are aiming to investigate is the construction of the North Quays and what effects it may possibly be having on water quality and the aquatic life.
We are going to find this out by conducting numerous tests that will hopefully give us an outcome we are happy with. We also want to see if it could potentially cause rain to become more acidic if there is a rise in pH in the water.
Projektets emne
Beskriv, hvordan du planlægger at undersøge det identificerede problem, og hvilke data du planlægger at analysere.
We plan to investigate this problem by:
Conducting routine testing on different points of the River Suir, we will be testing the pH of the water, carrying out dissolved oxygen testing, total dissolved and suspended solids tests and also recording the temperatures of each sample we take on-site.
We will firstly collect our samples using glass jars at the following locations, (two locations before the bridge), Polerone Quay Mooncoin, Newarthill slip, (two locations after the bridge) Waterford Castle and Neptune Marina.
We will take our samples back to the school labs for further testing (e.g) pH/dissolved oxygen.
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