Climate Detectives Aktivity pro děti 2023-2024

Činnost: Země pod pokličkou - pochopení skleníkového efektu

Dimotiko Sholeio Ano Syrou   Ermoupoli Syrou   Řecko

Popište, co váš tým dělal, a řekněte nám více o tom, co se váš tým naučil:

I and my students completed all the activities with great joy. The children understood the mechanism of the greenhouse effect and its importance in supporting life. We identified and understood the role of major greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2). We also explored the connection between the greenhouse effect and global climate change, including the potential consequences of a warmer climate. We also fostered a sense of environmental responsibility and researched actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in everyday life.
The students in the class were divided into 4 smaller groups and carried out the experiments, completing the worksheets. Each time they completed an activity, each group presented the results, and we compared them with the results of the other groups.

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