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Här hittar du de projekt som vi skulle behöva din feedback på

Klimatdetektiver (utredningskategori)

Team: Färgerna

Italien 17 år gammal   19 / 4

Projektets titel:

Spårning av biologisk mångfald med satellitdata? En möjlig studie


Att koppla samman jordobservation med data om biologisk mångfald med hög genomströmning - en möjlig studie?

Identifiera det lokala miljö-/klimatproblem som du vill undersöka

The agricultural landscape of “Regi Lagni” the name of the area of our country, due to the presence of particular pedoclimatic conditions, is made up of hilly micro-units with a priceless heritage of native genetic resources, the result of the long selection work carried out by man over the of the centuries. This biodiversity must be protected to avoid the risk that, over time, many of these resources will be lost due to erosion processes and climatic change. The students work on the problem of ongoing loss of biodiversity, genetics and geography. The analysis will performed by use of satellite data and their correlation with the data collected in the outdoor experience

Ämne för projektet

Flora och fauna

Beskriv hur du planerar att undersöka det identifierade problemet och vilka data du planerar att analysera.

The student will work in the first phase to collect data to characterise the fruit species in our territory. Our land presents itself as one of the richest regions in vegetation and fruit trees the climate is temperate, with summer periods of drought and rainy winters, but in the last year, the climatic changes have modified this situation. The students collect data from outdoor education practices. In the great areas, they will observe the status of plants and trees. After this data will correlate with the date of the Eo observation, in particular, the student will observe the colour of the leaves and the percentage of water, the soil of the surrounding plain is remarkably fertile, with mineral elements. Finally, they will be made a laboratory experience to add information on species present the same samples could track population-genetic diversity. This work will be used to monitoring of environmental drivers that are visible to EO and on our area of Pomigliano d’Arco and helps link biodiversity to ecosystem functions and services by the municipality to valorize the land and our area.

Din feedback

Återkoppling från experter Fas 1 - 2023-2024
Är det föreslagna problemet ett problem som studenterna faktiskt kan undersöka? Är det genomförbart, realistiskt? Förklara varför eller varför inte. Är förhållandet till klimat/lokal miljö utrett? Ange vid behov det bredare vetenskapliga sammanhang som det identifierade problemet ingår i.