Climate Detectives Kids Activities 2023-2024

Activity: Isen smälter - Hur kan vi undersöka effekterna av smältande is?

Brougham grundskola   Hartlepool   Förenade kungariket

Describe what your team has done and tell us more about what your team has learnt:

Aktivitet 1: Introduktion till is
We have researched and composed a powerpoint all about ice including:
* The difference between land ice and sea ice
* The temperature at which water freezes
* Why the Nporth Pole has shrunk so much in recent years
* The possible results of ice melting
* Different forms of frozen water
* Where ice can be found on Earth

We have learnt lots of interesting facts ab out ice and melting ice and how it is affecting our planet. We have learnt about rising sea levels and what is causing the ice to melt. We found land ice and sea ice really interesting as we did not know there were two different types. Each member of the eco team created their own slide of information to be added to the powerpoint.

Projekten skapas av teamen och de tar det fulla ansvaret för den delade datan. ← All activities