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Climate Detectives (efterforskningskategori)

Team: Den næste generation af ninjaer

Storbritannien 14 år gammel   2 /

Projektets titel:

Fra bevidsthed til handling: Analyse af eksisterende politikker og infrastruktur for håndtering af e-affald i Barnet


How can community awareness initiatives be effectively designed and implemented to empower residents of Barnet to take meaningful action in managing electronic waste (e-waste) within their households and communities?

Identificer det lokale miljø/klimaproblem, du ønsker at undersøge.

The local environmental problem under investigation is the management of electronic waste (e-waste) in the Barnet community. This encompasses the challenges associated with the disposal and recycling of electronic devices, which pose significant environmental and health risks if improperly handled. The research question focuses on exploring the design and implementation of community awareness initiatives aimed at empowering Barnet residents to address e-waste within their households and communities. By understanding how such initiatives can effectively raise awareness, educate residents, and promote sustainable practices, the study seeks to identify strategies that foster meaningful engagement and action. Ultimately, the goal is to contribute to the development of practical solutions for managing e-waste at the local level, thereby mitigating its adverse environmental impact and promoting a more sustainable future for the Barnet community.

Projektets emne


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Din feedback

Ekspertfeedback Fase 1 - 2023-2024
Er det foreslåede problem et problem, som de studerende rent faktisk kan undersøge? Er det gennemførligt, realistisk? Forklar venligst hvorfor eller hvorfor ikke. Er forholdet til klimaet/det lokale miljø beskrevet? Angiv om nødvendigt den bredere videnskabelige kontekst, som det identificerede problem tilhører.