Climate Detectives Actividades para niños 2023-2024

Actividad: Un año en la Tierra - Entender las estaciones

Zespół Szkolno - Przedszkolny nr 12 im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu   Wrocław   Polonia

Describa lo que ha hecho su equipo y cuéntenos más sobre lo que ha aprendido:

The aim of the classes was to understand why there are seasons on Earth.
We talked about the seasons in Poland and the changes that take place in nature throughout the year. We analyzed photographs and satellite images and recognized the seasons in them. Students, working in groups, built a model of the Earth – they marked the location of the poles, drew the meridians and the equator, as well as the location of Poland. Then they simulated the Earth’s rotational motion along the drawn orbit. Using a flashlight (the Sun) and remembering the appropriate tilt of the Earth’s axis, they observed the illumination of the Earth at different times of the year. We also watched an animation titled “Paxi – day, night and seasons.”

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