Climate Detectives Actividades para niños 2023-2024

Actividad: Paxi en la ISS - Satélites naturales y artificiales

Jardín de infancia de Rodopolis   Rodopoli Ática   Grecia

Describa lo que ha hecho su equipo y cuéntenos más sobre lo que ha aprendido:

We watched Paxi’s video aboard the ISS with astronaut Thomas Pesquet to discover natural and artificial satellites, and we read the story “MOON! EARTH’S BEST FRIEND” ( to understand natural satellites. Then, we researched artificial satellites and their purposes on the internet. After that, we decided to design and craft our own prototypes of satellites. We constructed three satellites in three teams: one for studying life on other planets, another for studying Earth and sending data and photos to scientists about earthquakes, and the last one for studying life in the North and South Poles

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Presentación del proyecto


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